The one thing you don’t want to live without is..?
My watch.
Since when do you have your “one thing” and where did you get it from?
My mother gave me this watch 10 years ago as a gift for Yakudoshi.
What does it mean to you?
It was a very special gift of my mother to protect me from Yakudoshi. It brings me luck. Yakudoshi is a superstition in Japan: It says that men at the age of 42 and women at the age of 33 have a unlucky year. We do different things to protect ourselves from the unluckiness of Yakudoshi. F.e. we go temples and pray. One other habit is that someone who is close gives you a long present. My mum got a belt from her mother for Yakudoshi. She had to buy it by herself because my grandmother was in a hospital. My grandmother was not satisfied with the belt because it was a cheap one, so she thought she will buy her children a good and expensive one. This is the reason why i got such a valueable present from her.
How often do you use it?
I wear this watch every day. I change the belt related to my outfit. Just when i travel i use another watch because i want to protect my “one thing”.
What is your name? Where do you live? What is your profession?
My name is Hiro. I live in Hiroshima. I’m an Illustrator.