The one thing you don’t want to live without is..?
my water bottle
Since when do you have your “one thing” and where did you get it from?
It was a gift. I think it’s mine since 2013.
What does it mean to you?
Water is my favorite drink. I love water. I try to live healthy. I’m happy that this bottle helps me to drink a lot of water and I don’t have to use plastic bottles. I can reuse this bottle endless. Even if it’s made of plastic I really like it because it’s not so heavy and i can carry it with me all the time. It’s always in my bag when i go somewhere.
How often do you use it?
I use my water bottle every day and take it everywhere I go. It’s always around me.
What is your name? Where do you live? What is your profession?
My name is Valérie. I’m from Perpignan. I work as a coach in different fields. I’m a Meditation-Coach and I’m organizing Do-it-yourself-workshops. On top I help handicapped people in their daily life.