The one thing you don’t want to live without is..?
My pen.
Since when do you have your “one thing” and where did you get it from?
Japan, Tokyo, I bought it at a small bookstore of my town.
What does it mean to you?
My pen is a very important thing for me. When I want to clear my mind and tell other people about my thought, i write down impressive things and draw sportive graffiti with it. It helps me to better communicate with others.
And I like to sketch landscapes and people. When I was a child, I always used a pen to draw pictures. The experience is still connected to me now.
How often do you use it?
Every day 🙂
What is your name? Where do you live? What is your profession?
Kazuha Nakamoto. I’m from Japan. I live in Tokyo. My profession is visual designer.