The one thing you don’t want to live without is..?
My leaf-shaped bookmark.
Since when do you have your “one thing” and where did you get it from?
About 13 years ago, I got it at a bookstore in Sapporo.
What does it mean to you?
To be honest, I don’t know why I like this bookmark so much, it was love at first sight. I like touching it when I am reading and also like looking something around me through this bookmark when I get tired of reading. It changes its color when you look through different things. Life is so fast-paced in Tokyo, but books and this bookmark make me slow down and feel relaxed. It’s not only a bookmark, but also a toy and a comfort.
How often do you use it?
I use it almost everyday.
What is your name? Where do you live? What is your profession?
My name is Haruka Chunhwa Ki (‘Haruka’ is my Japanese name and ‘Chunhwa’ is my Korean name, both of them mean ‘Spring flower’). I am a Korean, was born and raised in Harbin (China), and have lived in Japan for almost 15 years. I am living in Tokyo. I’m a Senior Regional Manager and Small Business Owner.